Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HG Weekend

This past weekend was pretty busy for Honor Guard...okay not really, we had one detail a day but still! Part of our weekend man! Anyways, the first one was a "romance novel" conference by the SOS club from Hickam AFB. I'm assuming the SOS is something like the FRG in the Army. If you watch Army wives you know what I'm talking about. Don't ask me what those acronyms stand for because I have no idea. I just know it's some club for military spouses. So in the hallways outside the conference room and a bunch of exhibits for different books, and meet the author type stuff. Oh yeah, A LOT of erotic cards and ads the were giving out. I guess after it was over "Mr. Romance" was supposed to show up. Remember all those books with Fabio on the cover? Well this dude was something like that....eww. We did our little thing and they had this really cute old school quartet sing the anthem and a few other military songs. The few pictures seen here are just random ones of us BSing while we were waiting for our cue to retire the flags...I promise I'll take more pictures next time...

They had boxes of Wax Lips just hanging out and I couldn't resist trying it out on myself. I don't think I'll ever get botox...

Just a candid of my HG PICs (PIC = Partners in Crime FYI...)

Oh, now this one was on Sunday for some kind of Air Pilot Awards or something. Just goofing off again waiting for our cue. We were helping ourselves to some free food too.

Now this was my lunch amazing! I went to Ayara over on Sepulveda near-ish to the airport and had some Thai. I love this place! This was Salmon "fried to golden perfection" as the menu said with a cashew nut type salad. 

One of my PICs stuck with the usual american favorite, Pad Thai...

After all this I went home and made a dent in my wallet as you may already know if you read the last blog...what else did I do? I started watching Glee on netflix and worked out. Meh. 

Till next time!


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